Back in 2013, two of our close friends invited us on a hike. At the top of a mountain, in July, in the middle of a snowstorm... (yes you read that right) Joe proposed to Danielle- and the magic was incredible. These two are super awesome humans. I met Joe through college before he left to open his own AMAZING business. My husband went and worked with him for a semester. Since then Eric and Joe have been great friends. Joe is incredibly smart, creative, and adventurous. Danielle is the sweetest, most enthusiastic individual I have met. Her heart is so big, and her kindness knows no bounds. Her creativity blends together with Joe's to create a beautiful life. I love these two people.

A year later (2014) they were married. The wedding was awesome and they are the cutest couple. They have created this life for themselves that has included adventure, challenges, and change that will always keep them on their toes.
Long story short- I am a terrible gift giver. I wanted to make them a blanket for their wedding- but I could never find the right pattern, or material, and nothing ever seemed to be a good fit. These guys are creative, active, and super loving. When I found out they were expecting a new addition to their family, I knew it was time to make something special for the whole family.
I had found a 16 harness twill pattern I liked online. The tricky part of about it is that there are some long floats. I had made my husband and I a king sized blanket for our bed and we learned with the help of our dog, that those floats get easily caught. So I went in and modified the pattern slightly so that it would be less susceptible for puppy feet, kitty paws, and exploring little baby fingers to get caught in.

I also chose this heavy mercerized cotton because it is machine washable, warm, and comes in a variety of super bright colors. It was also very easy to get on the loom (though sectional warping still gives me some hiccups). This was also the first project that I had used my fly shuttle with. I was hesitant at first to use it, because it was a new piece of equipment that I wasn't sure about. I didn't know if I would be able to handle it. After some initial trial and error, I figured out the rhythm, and was able to weave way faster than I had been able to in the past.

In the end I gave them a full sized throw, with a matching baby blanket. So they can snuggle together under the love and appreciation I have for their entire family. It will be so amazing to watch their family grow, explore, and carry on their adventures throughout their lives. I am so honored to have them as friends in our lives.