My life is incredibly hectic right now. I'm not going to lie and say that I have been able to balance everything perfectly and find time to design. My design has been all over the board and without focus. So instead of staring blankly at the screen not knowing where to start, I have decided to share with you my process from the very beginning. The very raw and blank beginning.
When I am looking for inspiration I tend to look towards fashion trend websites. The reason I do this that I can see palettes of colors in conjunction of images that are meant to relate to textiles and textures. A phrase that I have been viewing over and over again is "Modern Nomad". Last night I sat down with that phrase and wrote out words and phrases that were derived from that phrase.
This is the list that I wrote out:
- warmth
- comfort
- rustic
- bonfires
- traveling
- exploration
- home
- rust
- iron
- oxidize
- patina
- hunt
- carve
- cave
- historical
- moss
- lichen
- grit
- ash
- peeling
- geode
- mist
- seaglass
- weather worn
- copper
- Roycroft
- American Craftsmen
- celadon
- pit fire
- fire
So then I took those words and phrases and found images that spoke to me. These are some mood/inspiration boards that I have put together based off of "Modern Nomad"

Reflecting on these images I have decided to transform the theme of "Modern Nomad" into a Geological Nomad. Every where we walk our feet are touching some sort of geological landmark. Where either few, or thousands feet have touched before. Now that I have some ideas, the next step will be developing some pattern and material ideas for my line.
What do you do when you start planning a project? What sparks your creativity? How do you translate your ideas into concrete ideas? Let me know!