Fiber Friday: Tumblr Inspiration

I missed Fiber Friday yesterday due to a weaving issue that had to be addressed. The past few days I have been making warp like mad and trying to get them on the loom so I can have enough product to sell!

So for Fiber Friday I am going to post a bunch of links from some of my favorite tumblr pages. I am a very visual person so I enjoy looking at amazing historical and contemporary works of textiles to get my creative noggin jumpstarted, so here are a few of my favorite "jump starters"

  • The Textile Museum The Textile Museum of Washington, DC works to promote the public knowledge and appreciation of textiles. This tumblr is great because it has wide variety of textile works in lots of different techniques.
  • Lost in Fiber This tumblr is an image collection by artist Abigail Doan. I love this tumblr because it combines many of my favorite types of images: fashion, nature, textile artwork and just textures in general.
  • Textile Nerd Documentation of a textile lover researching and experimenting with different patterns, techniques and materials. Some of my favorite posts are when she has gone through textile collections and found cool old print samples.
  • Ashley Conchieri A tumblr showcasing the artist's creative process and final product, plus the inspiration along the way.
  • Fashion-Textile A tumblr put on by a student in the Netherlands, showcasing beautiful textures and images and her own work. The colors that appear on this page are absolutely amazing.

Those are just a few of the amazing collections of images that people are putting together.

What are some of your favorite sources for inspiration on the web?

Happy creating!